Free of charge online immigration assessment tool

Free online immigration assessment tool is finally here – Almost every immigration websites charge their clients’ hundreds of dollars to check their eligibility to immigrate to the USA, Canada, Australia, and the UK. 

Top Visa is the only website online that calculates and determines your eligibility for free! The fun part is that it will take only 3 minutes to determine whether your profile is eligible to immigrate to the USA, Canada, Australia, or the UK.

Our motto is simple! Why pay for it if you can have it for free?

You’re probably asking yourself now: what’s the catch here? Well, there is none! Our tool is absolutely free of charge. Click here, and you will understand more.

Entry Chicago Stamp on Passport
Toronto Entry Stamp on Passport
London Entry Stamp on Passport
Sydney Entry Stamp on Passport

Choose your immigration destination

USA Flag Map

Immigrate to the USA

Canadian Flag on Canada Map

Immigrate to Canada

Australian Flag on Australia Map

Immigrate to Australia

British Flag on the UK Map

Immigrate to the UK


Absolutely! You will not be charged one dime for checking your eligibility to the US Diversity Visa program (AKA the US green card lottery) or any primary immigration visa to Canada and Australia or for the UK skilled worker visa.  The tool is open and accessible for everyone, and it will help you save hundreds of dollars!  

Yes indeed! We have created this free tool to assist online applicants in checking their eligibility to immigrate to America, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. If your profile doesn’t meet the minimum requirements for one destination, you can always try a different goal and check your immigration assessment for another country. 

It’s pretty simple. Our website gets lots of traffic and clicks. Once you visit our website, you will get exposed to many ad banners. The more visits our website gets, the higher the banners’ exposure becomes, generating an income to the website.

We also receive donations from applicants who used our tool. 

We are definitely not affiliated with the government.   

No! We are not immigration consultants nor immigration lawyers. 

We can refer you to immigration consultation services that we trust they’re honest and fair with their clients. But, it’s totally up to you to decide if to hire their services. 

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