
Australia Working and Skilled Visa

Australia working and skilled visa make up over 70% of the Australian migration program. This is because living in Australia comes with a lot of perks for individuals and their families alike. Australia provides one of the best working conditions in the world. When combined with the number of people who speak the English language globally, and its suitability, it makes the Australian visa an immigration magnet.

Like other immigration-high countries, Australia has a particular need for some skilled workers to help grow and boost their economy. This enables the govern

What is the Australia Skilled and Working Visa?

The Australia Working and skilled visa was created to help immigrants who are skilled move to Australia and secure employments that will help them boost the Australian economy. The Australian working and skilled visa is divided into over 20 subclasses, which gives a wide range of options for skilled applicants who want to work in Australia.

These subclasses cover;

  • Temporary work to cover a temporary skilled shortage
  • State-sponsored skilled nominated visa
  • Skilled regional migration
  • Employer-sponsored visa
  • Investor class
  • Permanent residence visa for skilled workers, and more

This wide range of visas enables visa applications if applicants have the work experience needed and the skills possessed falls among the skilled occupations list of eligible skills for the visa application.

Who can apply for it?

Depending on the type of skilled and working visa you apply for, the Australian skilled and working visa requirements vary per subclass. These include;

Employer Nomination Scheme;

  • Have the necessary skills required for the job and pass the skills assessment test
  • be on the list of the relevant skills eligible for the visa
  • be nominated by an Australian employer
  • have at least three years of work experience
  • Regional sponsored migration scheme;
  • be nominated by an employer
  • under 45 years
  • meet the health and character requirements
  • agree to remain employed with the employer for a minimum of 2 years

Skilled independent visa;

  • nominated by an Australian state, government agency, or territory
  • meet the required minimum of 65 points in the points test
  • under 45 years
  • meet the health and character requirements, and more
  • some other visa requirements include;
  • letter of support
  • adequate funds to support yourself
  • health insurance
  • Competence in the English language, and more

Visit the Australian immigration website for the types of visas and their requirements.

What are the benefits of the Australian Skilled and Working Visa?

No matter what type of visa you apply for, even if it is the working holiday visa that allows applicants to stay for a year in Australia, applying and receiving the Australian Skilled and Working Visa is highly beneficial for applicants because;

  1. Easy to follow laws: Australia has easy to follow immigration laws that allow skilled workers to apply for temporary visas without restrictions on the number of times you can apply for them. The Australian immigration laws are also very conducive for immigrants on temporary and permanent visas alike.
  2. Inviting geographical conditions: Australia has one of the most conducive geographical climates in the world. Its all-round warm weather allows people of every continent to immigrate and settle in its lands easily. Its outdoor culture is reflected in the lifestyle of the people.
  3. Employment opportunities: Australia has one of the lowest unemployment rates globally, which makes it a goldmine for employment opportunities and a wonderful country to improve your skills. Applicants with high demand skills are almost guaranteed well-paying jobs within six months of successful migration.
  4. Standard of living: With Australia being the home to cities with active lifestyles like Melbourne and Sydney, the standard of living is relatively high. Because the country’s economy is flourishing, it is reflecting well in the lifestyle of its inhabitants. This also directly affects the educational and health facilities available in the country.
  5. Culture: The Australian culture boasts a rich mixture of interests such as arts, culture, films, music, and more, making the country a perfect home for the country’s diversity. It also offers the best food and wine selection to delight immigrants’ senses and enthralls them in the country’s beauty.

What does it cost to receive the Australian Skilled and Working Visa?

Once you have all the Australian skilled and Working Visa requirements, the next step is to start processing your fees and providing proof of funds for you and your dependents.

The Australian Skilled and Working Visa costs $310 for the applicant. Each family member who applies with the applicant is also charged  $310, and any child over the age of 18 is charged the same. It costs $80 for any child under the age of 18.

Other costs accrued to the applicant include; health checks, health insurance, biometrics, police checks, and documentation fees in your country of origin.

Other costs may also be accrued to applicants during the processing time.

How do I check my eligibility for the Australia skilled and Working Visa?

To be eligible for the Australian skilled and working Visa means meeting the minimum requirements stated for the Australian government’s eligibility. It also means being able to provide and take care of yourself and your partner during your stay. The Australian skilled and working Visa can also allow applicants to live for a while on the Working Holiday visa to learn the Australian lifestyle before choosing to immigrate.

Other eligibility requirements can be checked on the official Australian Immigration website. Not sure if you qualify for the Australian Skilled and working Visa? Please enter the required information in the section below and get your results instantly to see if you are qualified and can apply for the Australian Skilled and working visa.


Canada Business and Investor Visa

Canada Business and Investor Visa – Expanding your business and investing in another country’s economy is a sure way to increase your net worth. With Canada’s wealth of natural resources, highly skilled labor force, and stable government, it is easy to see why Canada list one of the top ten easiest countries to start a business in.

With Canada’s 14 trade agreements with over 51 countries, it is easy to see that obtaining a Canadian business and investor visa will benefit you and your business. With Canada’s increased number of skilled workers and the lowest tax on new businesses, it is a perfect choice for business growth and expansion.

What is the Canada Business and Investor Visa?

The Canadian government created the Canada Business and Investor Visa to attract entrepreneurs and investors to immigrate to Canada. Canadian immigration works towards ensuring the country’s economic success through diversification of businesses and development.

The Investor Visa is granted to people who meet the minimum investment requirements in any qualifying business of choice. Though you can apply directly for a Canadian business and/or investor visa, a provincial nominee program is set up specifically by the different provinces and territories.

This gives provinces and territories the power to invite business owners and investors to set up a business in Canada or invest in local businesses. This invitation also extends to their immediate family members to live in Canada and the high possibility of being offered a Canadian permanent residency.

Who can apply for this visa?

To be eligible for the business or investor visa, the personal information required for eligibility must meet the Canadian government’s requirements.

To make it easier to apply for, the business and investor visa is divided into two to increase the chances of success for entrepreneurs and investors. These are;

  • Start-up visa program
  • PNP or Investor Visa program.

Any applicant must meet the following requirements.

  • Have a net worth of at least CAD$600,000  
  • Ready to make an investment of at least CAD$200,000, new start-up or existing business 
  • Create at least one job for Canadians  
  • Managerial work experience of at least three years in the last ten years 
  • English Proficiency level, at least CLB4 in speaking, reading, listening, and writing either English or French, the official languages of Canada
  • Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma

To apply for the Start-up visa program, your business idea or start-up should get the support of at least one of the following institutions designated by the Canadian government.

These are;

  • Venture capital funds
  • Business incubator groups
  • Angel investor groups

Investor PNP programs ensure that you can meet the requirements before you are invited to apply for the visa.

What are the benefits of the Business and Investor Visa?

Apart from the many benefits of investing or owning a business in Canada, which include;

  • Wide access to 51 markets through Canada’s trade agreements
  • Stable government
  • Low tax on new businesses
  • Accessibility to government grants and more

Owning a business or investor visa has multiple benefits, which include;

  • Access to government grants: Owning a business or investor visa means accessing one or more of the many government grants available to assist startups and existing businesses alike.
  • Increased chances of being offered permanent residence: Owning a business or investor business means that you are willing and able to invest in the Canadian economy by providing business and employment opportunities in the country. This makes you an ideal candidate to be offered permanent residency in Canada.
  • Grow your business and network tremendously: In a diverse country like Canada, your business is exposed open to many skilled workers worldwide that will contribute important information for your business growth.
  • Financial stability for your business and investment: As a business owner and investor, your investment’s financial stability is at the forefront of your business considerations. With a Canadian business or investor visa, you are assured that your investment in the business of choice is stable and financially secure.

How much does it cost to receive a Canadian business or investor visa?

Once you have all the Canadian business and investor visa requirements, the next step is to start processing your fees and providing proof of funds for you and your dependents. It is important to know that the Start-up visa program costs applicants a different fee than the PNP Investor visa.

The fees for the Start-up Program start from $2,075 and vary differently from province and territory.

The costs vary from province to territory for the PNP investor visa, considering the applicant’s net worth and other factors desired by the desired province or territory.

If you plan to live in Quebec, the province has its own business immigration program, and requirements are checked on the Canada immigration website. It is also important to know that the Investor visa for Yukon has been closed permanently.

How do I check my eligibility for the Canada business or investor visa program?

To be eligible for the Canada business and investor visa, you need to meet the minimum eligibility requirements. After this, you also need to meet the specific requirements for either the Start-up Visa program or the PNP Investor Visa.

You can check other eligibility requirements on the official Canada Immigration website.

You can also click here to check your visa qualification using our free immigration profile assessment tool.


Canada Working Holiday Visa

Canada Working Holiday Visa – Taking some time off work to go on a vacation or relax is an important aspect of working efficiently. This is why there has been a significant increase in young professionals traveling in Canada.

Young professionals who have not built a robust travel budget and still wish to explore other countries during their vacation days are usually money-conscious during their travel. This is why most people look for temporary work during their vacation. With this, they can work in Canada, stay in Canada, and still travel.

The International Experience Canada (IEC) understands the rising need for young professionals to work and travel. This is why the Canadian Working Holiday Visa was created.

What is the Canada Working Holiday Visa?

The International Experience Canada (IEC) is the program through which open work permits are awarded to young professionals to apply for work using their work experience during their holiday.

This type of visa is awarded to people from only 30 countries. The visa enables them to apply for a work permit only after applying and are chosen to apply for a work permit. If your country of origin is not on the list, you are ineligible to apply.

This type of visa enables finance and budget-conscious travelers, work, travel, and enjoy themselves throughout their holiday.

Who can apply for it?

As attractive as the working holiday visa is too young professionals around the world, being eligible to apply for this visa will allow you to know if you will be awarded this visa and be able to enter Canada or will have to enter Canada by applying for another type of visa.

The eligibility requirements for the Canada Working Holiday Visa include;

  • Only applicants from the 30 IEC participating countries can apply for this visa. You must be a citizen or a passport holder of one of the participating countries.
  • Passport for the duration of time you will be staying in Canada. The work permit issued to you will not have a longer duration than your passport.
  • Applicants must be between the ages of 18 to 30 or 35 at your application time. The upper age limit depends on your country of citizenship.
  • Admissible to Canada
  • Take out health insurance for the entire duration of your stay in Canada.
  • You must go to Canada alone without dependents.
  • You must have a round-trip ticket on arrival in Canada or have the financial resources to purchase a ticket at the end of your authorized stay.
  • You must pay the appropriate fees associated with the work permit application.

What are the benefits of the Canada Working Holiday Visa?

Though it is based on being a member of the 30 IEC countries and rests heavily on your name being drawn out of a pool of applicants, there are many benefits of acquiring the Canada Working Holiday Visa.

These include;

  • Financial stability:

For budget-conscious professionals, the working holiday visa provides a comfortable avenue where they can spend less of their savings and enjoy their holiday.

  • Acquiring recognized work experience:

Working in Canada during your holiday, even if it is an internship in Canada like the international co-op internship offers, allows you to acquire work experience recognized in any part of the world. It tells prospective employers that you can adapt, thrive, and grow in a foreign environment.

  • International experience of lifestyle and work culture:

With a working holiday visa, you can gain international experience in the Canadian lifestyle and work culture. This means that you can live and understand the typical Canadian work and life relationship.

  • A crucial decision-making advantage:

Applicants trying to decide whether to immigrate to Canada and are concerned about how they will adapt to the lifestyle can choose this visa. You can use this visa to test the regular Canadian lifestyle before making immigrant decisions.

  • Increased chances for job offers:

Telling prospective Canadian employers of your experience working in Canada in your letter of introduction or employment profile increases your chances of securing a job offer during immigration.

What does it cost to receive the Canada Working Holiday Visa?

The participating fee for all participants to apply for the Working Holiday Visa is $153 for 2020.

An open work permit fee of $100 is required for applicants for the working holiday visa. For Young Professionals, a fee of CAD$230 is required from your employer.

An equivalent of CAD$2,500 should be available on landing to help cover all your initial costs.

Other costs incurred during the process are;

  • Medical exam fees
  • Health insurance
  • Other costs associated with documentation and the interview process

How do I check my eligibility for the Canada Working Holiday Visa?

Any applicant should meet the minimum requirements for the Canada Working Holiday Visa. You should also meet other requirements specific to your country of origin and the specific working holiday program you fall under.

You can check other eligibility requirements on the official Canada Immigration website.

Click here, and within 2 minutes, you will know if you qualify for the Canada working holiday visa. 


Canada Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

Canada Provincial Nominee Program – The Canadian government understands that each territory or province has specific needs from the other regions and will require special provisions for individuals willing to immigrate to Canada.

Most provinces and territories understand the advantages the Canadian immigration system offers to develop their economy, expanding, and providing value to individuals, businesses, and the Canadian economy in general.

What is the Canada Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)?

The Provincial Nominee Program is an immigration program where express entry candidates can express their interest to provinces or territories to be nominated to settle in these territories.

Through this program, the provinces or territories can nominate individuals willing to live, settle, and work in their specific regions or territories. Each area has a particular labor market. Depending on what positions they have open, choose from the multiple express entry profiles available to them.

They also assess each individual’s intention to settle in the province to ensure that ideal candidates are chosen.

Under the PNP, you can either apply directly to the province or territory, wait to be nominated, or choose the express entry-linked process.

Who can apply for the Canada Provincial Nominee Program?

The application process for the Provincial Nominee Program is divided into two for the different types of applicants;

  • Skilled Worker Program: Under this PNP, skilled workers with job offers from local, provincial business, or business sectors meet the local, provincial immigration needs.
  • Business Immigration Program: This program is available for applicants who want to establish a new business, join an existing local business venture, or invest money in an existing local business.

As attractive as the Provincial Nominee Program is, some provinces or territories do not have a provincial nominee program or have provincial nominee programs specific to their needs. These include;

  • Quebec: The Province of Quebec does not have a PNP; instead, it sets its requirements for people who want to live, work, and settle in its province.
  • British Columbia: British Columbia created the BC PNP Tech pilot program to offer an expedited immigration pathway for people with tech skills applying to be permanent residents.

Each province or territory has its streams. Like the express entry draws, applicants submit their profiles into each pool. Only when the applicant is nominated is he/she sent an invitation to apply.

What are the benefits of the Provincial Nominee Program?

Deciding to choose an immigration process has a lot to do with your selected immigration process’s benefits. The ultimate goal for any immigrant is to become a permanent resident, which directly affects what type of program the applicant chooses.

Some benefits of choosing the Provincial Nominee Program include;

  1. Faster processing time: The Provincial Nominee Program is a better choice for immigrants than the Express Entry system. It has a shorter processing time of 2 to 3 months.
  2. Easy access to job offers: When an applicant has the skills required by a province or territory, there are job openings for the applicant’s skills. This will also make securing a job offer more accessible.
  3. The faster way to permanent residence: When a province nominates an applicant, it is easier for applicants to apply for permanent residence.
  4. Better choice of immigration for applicants who don’t meet all the requirements for the Express Entry Program

How much does it cost to receive a Provincial Nominee Visa?

Depending on your province of choice, the Provincial Nominee Program varies from region to territory. Recently, British Columbia raised their PNP fees better to serve the increased number of applicants for the PNP.

The application fee for most skilled workers that have received a provincial nomination is between $250 to $2000, while entrepreneurial applicants have o pay higher fees between $1000 to $3000.

It is the second most popular immigration option for most express entry applicants. Once an applicant receives a provincial nomination, they automatically receive 600 points to their Comprehensive Ranking System score, which guarantees them an invitation to apply.

How do I check my eligibility for the Provincial Nominee Program?

The Provincial Nominee program is for workers that;

  • Have the skills, education, and work experience to contribute to the economy of the specific province or territory
  • Express genuine interest in living in that province or territory
  • Desire to become permanent residents of Canada.

Each province also targets specific groups of people, including students, skilled and semi-skilled workers, business people, and investors.

Other eligibility requirements can be checked on the official Canada Immigration website.

Not sure if you qualify for the Canada Provincial Nominee Program? Click here to check your eligibility for the Provincial Nominee Program using our free immigration assessment tool and get your results instantly.