
Australia Working and Skilled Visa

Australia working and skilled visa make up over 70% of the Australian migration program. This is because living in Australia comes with a lot of perks for individuals and their families alike. Australia provides one of the best working conditions in the world. When combined with the number of people who speak the English language globally, and its suitability, it makes the Australian visa an immigration magnet.

Like other immigration-high countries, Australia has a particular need for some skilled workers to help grow and boost their economy. This enables the govern

What is the Australia Skilled and Working Visa?

The Australia Working and skilled visa was created to help immigrants who are skilled move to Australia and secure employments that will help them boost the Australian economy. The Australian working and skilled visa is divided into over 20 subclasses, which gives a wide range of options for skilled applicants who want to work in Australia.

These subclasses cover;

  • Temporary work to cover a temporary skilled shortage
  • State-sponsored skilled nominated visa
  • Skilled regional migration
  • Employer-sponsored visa
  • Investor class
  • Permanent residence visa for skilled workers, and more

This wide range of visas enables visa applications if applicants have the work experience needed and the skills possessed falls among the skilled occupations list of eligible skills for the visa application.

Who can apply for it?

Depending on the type of skilled and working visa you apply for, the Australian skilled and working visa requirements vary per subclass. These include;

Employer Nomination Scheme;

  • Have the necessary skills required for the job and pass the skills assessment test
  • be on the list of the relevant skills eligible for the visa
  • be nominated by an Australian employer
  • have at least three years of work experience
  • Regional sponsored migration scheme;
  • be nominated by an employer
  • under 45 years
  • meet the health and character requirements
  • agree to remain employed with the employer for a minimum of 2 years

Skilled independent visa;

  • nominated by an Australian state, government agency, or territory
  • meet the required minimum of 65 points in the points test
  • under 45 years
  • meet the health and character requirements, and more
  • some other visa requirements include;
  • letter of support
  • adequate funds to support yourself
  • health insurance
  • Competence in the English language, and more

Visit the Australian immigration website for the types of visas and their requirements.

What are the benefits of the Australian Skilled and Working Visa?

No matter what type of visa you apply for, even if it is the working holiday visa that allows applicants to stay for a year in Australia, applying and receiving the Australian Skilled and Working Visa is highly beneficial for applicants because;

  1. Easy to follow laws: Australia has easy to follow immigration laws that allow skilled workers to apply for temporary visas without restrictions on the number of times you can apply for them. The Australian immigration laws are also very conducive for immigrants on temporary and permanent visas alike.
  2. Inviting geographical conditions: Australia has one of the most conducive geographical climates in the world. Its all-round warm weather allows people of every continent to immigrate and settle in its lands easily. Its outdoor culture is reflected in the lifestyle of the people.
  3. Employment opportunities: Australia has one of the lowest unemployment rates globally, which makes it a goldmine for employment opportunities and a wonderful country to improve your skills. Applicants with high demand skills are almost guaranteed well-paying jobs within six months of successful migration.
  4. Standard of living: With Australia being the home to cities with active lifestyles like Melbourne and Sydney, the standard of living is relatively high. Because the country’s economy is flourishing, it is reflecting well in the lifestyle of its inhabitants. This also directly affects the educational and health facilities available in the country.
  5. Culture: The Australian culture boasts a rich mixture of interests such as arts, culture, films, music, and more, making the country a perfect home for the country’s diversity. It also offers the best food and wine selection to delight immigrants’ senses and enthralls them in the country’s beauty.

What does it cost to receive the Australian Skilled and Working Visa?

Once you have all the Australian skilled and Working Visa requirements, the next step is to start processing your fees and providing proof of funds for you and your dependents.

The Australian Skilled and Working Visa costs $310 for the applicant. Each family member who applies with the applicant is also charged  $310, and any child over the age of 18 is charged the same. It costs $80 for any child under the age of 18.

Other costs accrued to the applicant include; health checks, health insurance, biometrics, police checks, and documentation fees in your country of origin.

Other costs may also be accrued to applicants during the processing time.

How do I check my eligibility for the Australia skilled and Working Visa?

To be eligible for the Australian skilled and working Visa means meeting the minimum requirements stated for the Australian government’s eligibility. It also means being able to provide and take care of yourself and your partner during your stay. The Australian skilled and working Visa can also allow applicants to live for a while on the Working Holiday visa to learn the Australian lifestyle before choosing to immigrate.

Other eligibility requirements can be checked on the official Australian Immigration website. Not sure if you qualify for the Australian Skilled and working Visa? Please enter the required information in the section below and get your results instantly to see if you are qualified and can apply for the Australian Skilled and working visa.